Camping el Quinto, Mojacar Pueblo - Wednesday 5th March
It poured with rain all morning, so we sat and slumped. We did need food so put on our wellies and oilskins (it wasn’t that bad really) and drove down to the Playa. We went into the underground car park and when we emerged the rain had stopped, so we rushed to our favourite beach to give Rio a run. The poor little dog just ran and ran and ran, round in circles, straight lines and after birds. We just stood there and laughed at him.
We thought that, as we were out, we would have some lunch, but all the places with dog friendly areas were shut, I guess they couldn’t see the point in opening when there was a red weather warning!
Back at Kiwi we were both rather fed up so watched an episode of Escape to the Sun, so we could at least see some sunshine, but it was raining in Italy too!
Camping el Quinto, Mojacar Pueblo - Thursday 6th March
A better day, though grey and chilly, for Mojacar at least.
We took Rio to the beach. When he saw where we were he was so excited, it was lovely to see. Like yesterday he ran round and round and even dipped his paws into the Mediterranean.
We just wanted a snack for lunch so went to a tapas place. We chose four things between us but they were so big - we felt so full, however they were delicious.
We decided that pudding was in order, we both had a small place left in our tummies just the right size for an ice cream sundae from Alberto’s! Richard had a chocolate something and I had a banana split.
After that we drove around old haunts and even to see the two villas that we stayed in. We really do like Mojacar.
Back at Kiwi there was no dinner for us as we were still full from lunchtime.
We made the decision to stay in Mojacar until Monday as the weather forecast was pretty diabolical.
Camping el Quinto, Mojacar Pueblo - Friday 7th March
This is going to be a quick one!
It rained all day - full stop!
The only excitement was doing the washing. I was backwards and forwards to the laundry, in the pouring rain all afternoon and early evening. It was highly complicated but it all got done and dried.
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